Monday 25 November 2013

Saying No is OK! *Serious Topic*

Hello my lovelies,
I hope this topic is OK to cover I just really felt like I could help one of you (or maybe two). A little disclaimer I'm not a specialist I'm talking from my experience. I just want to let you guys now that you are important so if someone does something YOU DO NOT LIKE you can SAY NO.
I would just like to start by letting you know what I mean by someone doing something you do not like:
1. If they hold your hand
2. If they hug you for a length of time
3. If they try to be alone with you and you don't want to be alone with them.
4. If they try it on with you!
5. Anything that makes you for 1 second not want to be in that situation/ feel uncomfortable.
Honestly this could be anything but I really honestly believe that if you do not like that situation you can get out of it it is your right. Here are some things that are OK to do if you want out of that situation:
1. Be rude!
2. Tell them to get off
3. Tell them no
4. Do not be alone with them (as much as possible)
I also think that if you even like this person in a friend way or if you're crushing on them or if they're your boy/girlfriend, they still have no right to be treating you like this. If they're a good friend for you to have they won't want to make you feel uncomfortable and will most likely apologise, if not stuff them they are not worth you.
If you think you have done something to deserve to be treated this way:
4. I think you're amazing and if someone ever makes you feel like you're not worth something then that someone is not a good person to have in your life.
5. Please make sure you have people you can talk to if you feel uncomfortable in any situation.

I hope this has helped in some way. If you ever need to vent anything my ask box is open (on tumblr or email me I will try my best to reply). However if you need any other more educated advice ring childline on 0800 1111 they will help you by just listening and trying to give you practical advice.
I hope this helps you.
You have so much worth.
You are important!
Much love <3

My Favourite Make Up Brand

Hello my lovelies,
I'm sorry this post is a bit late I have no excuse I feel like the worst person... (*shame on myself*)
Anyway I am going to have another post aswell! So please forgive me!
This post is about my favourite makeup brand! This is a drugstore brand because I feel that way everyone and anyone can purchase it.
My favourite make-up brand has got to be Rimmel! I thought of five points (to limit myself) about why I love them:
1. The quality of their products is FAB
2. The pricing is fair and is very affordable
3. The products themself are really lovely and very cute
4. I really love the names of some of their products (they don't name them all)
5. They sell Kate Moss lipsticks! (this is the only point that matters really!)

I really think that Rimmel products are amazing and one of the best drugstore brands out there!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what your favourite brand is.
I hope you're having a fabulous week because you all deserve it!
Much love <3

Monday 18 November 2013

My Current Music Favourites

Hello my lovelies,
I hope you don't mind this post as it's not when I normally post but I think it would be nice if I posted twice a week as much as I can. I thought it would be nice to tell you about my music favourites this week as my week is very music related this week! I have a few singles I love and a couple of albums so I will let you know them all and try and link them for you!

1. Youth - Foxes:

2. Another Love - Tom Odell:

3. Kings of Leon - Come Around Sundown (the album):
especially Radioactive:
and Pyro:

4. Lorde - Pure Heroine (the album)

5. Chocolate- The 1975:

Something I'm planning on doing is putting a load of songs I've bought onto a CD so I can play them all wherever even if I don't have an AUX or way to play them off my phone, like a mix CD!
I hope you're all having a FAB week and let me know of your music favourites so far!
Much love <3

Saturday 16 November 2013

My Favourite Shop!

Hello my lovelies,
Today I'm going to tell you about my favourite shop and why it is my favourite shop. This is another post related to the british blogger selection so I hope you enjoy!
Firstly I want you to know that picking a favourite shop is possibly the hardest thing you could ever ask me to do there are so many shops that I love like H&M or Asos or Topshop there are too many but I decided to go with a shop where I love everything they sell and where there is always something that I love and that is very cliche to. My absolute favourite shop is Urban Outfitters. I am soo soo happy that one has opened near me I'll probably end up living in there. I love the clothes in urban outfitters even though they are a bit pricey but the main thing I love is the homeware section I always browse it and always find little things that I love and add to my wishlist (yes I actually have a wishlist for Urban Outfitters Homeware). The only bad thing about Urban Outfitters is that some of their items are a bit expensive.
I think it is the perfect shop to find a gift for someone or if you are re-doing your bedroom or if you've moved house or something along those lines, there is something in there that is bound to be able to make your space your own!
I think you all know about Urban Outfitters but if you haven't (where have you been?!) here is the link to their website:
Also just a quick mention I would love it if you could go check out this short film made by Bertie Gilbert he is 16 and I think this is a really cool short film and I hope you enjoy it to!
Thankyou for reading this lovelies and if you check out his video thanks for supporting him!
I hope you're having a fabulous week
Much love <3

Sunday 10 November 2013

About Me

Hello my lovelies, 
So as you probably know I decided to become part of the British blogger selection recently and this is the first post I am going to do in relation to that (If you want to know more about it I did a post on it before)
Anyway here are the questions:

Question No1: Why do you like blogging?
I guess I like that I can meet new people through it and I love reading about what people like and dislike (I'm super nosy) and I guess blogging is the first thing I've done where I don't care what people think of my blog or if they think it's lame because I enjoy it.

Question No2: How did you come up with your blog name? 
This is really lame but it is just a literal name at school quite a few of my teachers would refer to me as miss Birch rather than Sacha so at first I was going to have that but I thought it needed something else and I am really tiny like 5ft (don't laugh) so I decided to be little miss birch.

Question No3: Where from the UK do you come from? 
I come from Nottingham it's in the midlands and I am literally right inbetween Derby and Nottingham but I like Nottingham better so I say I'm from Nottingham.

Question No4: Favourite Colour?
My favourite colour is probably white. It's so boring but I love how clean and fresh it makes me feel (I would've said black but it's a tone not a colour) 

Question No5: Do you like Lana Del Ray? 
Do humans breathe air? (YES)

Question No6: Any hidden talents?
I play piano, guitar, a little bit of trumpet (but I haven't played in ages) and I sing a little bit. 

Question No7: Celebrity Crush?
This is kinda lame but Connor Ball from The Vamps. (He's lovely)

Question No8: Favourite blog of all time
Sammi- The Beauty Crush

Question No9: What made you want to join the British Bloggers Selection?
I haven't been blogging too long and I want to find more blogs to read I thought this would be a fab way to find new blogs. I just thought the idea was great!

I hope you're all having a FAB week! 
Much love <3

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Hello my lovelies,
I have a very exciting blog post today! I got an email from the lovely Millie ( saying that she'd nominated me for this award! I really am so grateful that she nominated me (her email was so nice!)
Basically what this award is, is a way to promote blogs that have under 200 followers to help more people find out about them. I think this is such a FAB idea as it will help us all get to know each other better especially baby bloggers like myself.
Here are the rules:
1. Nominee must post award on their blog
2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog
3. Write 11 random facts about yourself
4. Nominate another 11 bloggers with under 200 followers who deserve the award
5. Answer the 11 questions given by the presenter and ask 11 questions to your nominees :)

11 Random Facts About Me
1. I'm 16
2. I work in an office
3. I suck at maths
4. I love music
5. I study music and music tech
6. I am easily stressed out
7. I love photography
8. I love doing peoples make-up all crazy
9. I hate fish
10. I want a fiat punto for my first car
11. At the top of my christmas list is a double bed

11 Nominees:

Questions from Millie:
1. When did you start blogging?
I've had my blog for a while but only really started blogging in September and I love it!

2. What types of blog do you read?
I read anything that interests me from fashion and beauty to nature.

3. What are favourite 5 blogs?
It's tricky to say but 
1. (Sammi is so FAB!)

4. Do you advertise your blog and if so how?
I don't really advertise but I do get involved by commenting on people's blogs and being part of British bloggers group ext 

5. What is your favourite eyeshadow colour and why?
This is hard as it changes all the time with the seasons. But the main staple colour I keep all year round is a champagney colour. I don't use a specific one but I think this colour is an all year round staple for me.

6. What made you start blogging?
I started blogging when I started college I was nervous about it and found this calmed my nerves gave me somewhere to write about what I love (so cheesy) 

7. What is your favourite snack?
Easily blueberries! I love them! 

8. What is your current bag/school bag? Current bag is the Zara office bag. I love it and it's perfect for me.

9. Is your staple fashion accessory?
A small gold thing. Whether it's studs or a ring on my pinky I think it really helps tie and outfit together (I don't know why just me) 

10. Do you prefer heels or flats?
Flats I'd rather be comfy than stomp around in heels with my tiny feet!

11. Lipgloss or Lipstick and why?
Lipstick. You can get different kinds so you get the effect of a lipgloss they last longer and I just like wearing them 

My questions to my nominees:
1. Why do you blog?
2. What are your hopes for the future?
3. What is your favourite fashion trend of 2013?
4. What is your favourite milkshake/smoothie flavour?
5. Starbucks or Costa?
6. Nandos or Pizza Hut?
7. Favourite scent (perfume or body spray etc)?
8. Favourite item of clothing you own?
9. Mac or PC?
10. How long have you had your blog?
11. Where do you most shop at? 

I hope this is ok for you all :) 
I hope you're having a FAB week!
Much love <3

Sunday 3 November 2013

British Blogger Selection

Hello my lovelies,
I recently heard of this group of bloggers called the British Blogger Selection. I thought it was such a FAB idea that I had to join in. It started from a lovely lady named Ellie (Little Vintage Camera) and is designed to give us all a chance to get to know each other better and such things. You will get an email every saturday giving you a theme to make a blog post about for that week. If you want to get involved just email her at with your blog URL, blog name and your first and last name! This is such a  good opportunity to get to know other bloggers. If you do sign up let me know :) also the little button is so cute! 
Anyway I hope you're all having a fabulous week! 
Much love <3