Monday, 25 November 2013

Saying No is OK! *Serious Topic*

Hello my lovelies,
I hope this topic is OK to cover I just really felt like I could help one of you (or maybe two). A little disclaimer I'm not a specialist I'm talking from my experience. I just want to let you guys now that you are important so if someone does something YOU DO NOT LIKE you can SAY NO.
I would just like to start by letting you know what I mean by someone doing something you do not like:
1. If they hold your hand
2. If they hug you for a length of time
3. If they try to be alone with you and you don't want to be alone with them.
4. If they try it on with you!
5. Anything that makes you for 1 second not want to be in that situation/ feel uncomfortable.
Honestly this could be anything but I really honestly believe that if you do not like that situation you can get out of it it is your right. Here are some things that are OK to do if you want out of that situation:
1. Be rude!
2. Tell them to get off
3. Tell them no
4. Do not be alone with them (as much as possible)
I also think that if you even like this person in a friend way or if you're crushing on them or if they're your boy/girlfriend, they still have no right to be treating you like this. If they're a good friend for you to have they won't want to make you feel uncomfortable and will most likely apologise, if not stuff them they are not worth you.
If you think you have done something to deserve to be treated this way:
4. I think you're amazing and if someone ever makes you feel like you're not worth something then that someone is not a good person to have in your life.
5. Please make sure you have people you can talk to if you feel uncomfortable in any situation.

I hope this has helped in some way. If you ever need to vent anything my ask box is open (on tumblr or email me I will try my best to reply). However if you need any other more educated advice ring childline on 0800 1111 they will help you by just listening and trying to give you practical advice.
I hope this helps you.
You have so much worth.
You are important!
Much love <3

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